Sunday, June 12, 2011

Action Research Plan

Action Planning Template

School Vision: Provide educational tools that offer students the opportunity to refine their

math skills applied to the state mandated test.

Goal: Deciding on maintaining the emphasis on ST Math adjusting the monitoring method

or discontinue its use.

Action Steps(s):

Person(s) Responsible:

Timeline: Start/End

Needed Resources


Collect TAKS data in the area of math from 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 school year.


August 2011

TAKS reports

Complete when improvement of 20 students struggling in math over a two year per is analyzed for trends and improvement.

TAKS data in the area of math from 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 school year


May 2012

TAKS reports

Completed when improvement of 20 students struggling in math over a two year period is finished.

Conduct a survey among 7 teachers to know their opinions on the effectiveness of the software. A group of at level students will be briefly interviewed as well.


August 2012

A set of questions to be designed


w hen teachers’ responses are analyzed

Read online information and research about ST Math software if available or request research made to software developers.


September 2011

Articles, online resources, research from software developers if available.

Completed when the resources obtained are read and analyzed to determine if the software offers any educational benefit that would reflect on overall TAKS results.

A school using the same software will be contacted to ask for feedback about the use of the software and its results in previous years.


October 2011

Identification of a school using the software

Feedback received will be compared to feedback received from teachers on campus.



June 2011


A final reflection about the researched topic will be posted to my educational blog.



June 2011

All data and information collected

Upon approval, a final report about the topic will be written to be shared with computer lab teacher and administrators of school


  1. Guillermo,

    Your research topic of math achievement, and whether or not to utilize ST Math is interesting and timely. Because we all live in a 'high-stakes testing' world, research on how best to help students achieve success on state-mandated exams is crucial. Great job so far! Keep it up!

    Dr. Abshire

  2. Thanks for the review of my action research plan. I really believe that a more serious approach need to be taken when an educational software is going to be bought and implemented as a school-wide tool. I hope that my research helps to make adjustments to the way educational software is used on campus.
